iStudio 寻求语言翻译

iStudio Theme 1.6 寻求多语种翻译支持,目前已有简体中文、繁体中文、英文和白俄罗斯语。
iStudio Theme 1.6 for multi-language translation support, there are already Simplified Chinese, Traditional Chinese, English and Belarusian.
Interested parties please contact me, I will provide the language file.

《 “iStudio 寻求语言翻译” 》 有 24 条评论

  1. Hi, how do I set a diferent language for this theme?
    I want to do a translation from english to romanian.
    Good work, nice theme 😉

  2. 请问如何嵌套回复啊,我已经在后台运行嵌套回复,可是自己的回复总是一行一行排下去,不会再被回复留言的右侧下方呢

  3. 老大,新主题很漂亮,左边模糊看到写着成都街道二十什么,你是成都人么?


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